FAKKU Tag Suggestions Any suggestions for new tags should go in this topic.
Before posting a new tag suggestion, please do the following:
Go through the …
Idea for video upload section of forums Hi all, I have an idea I think would benefit the site. Though its not specifically regarding the coding or layout of the site so I don't think it belongs in the above discussion thread. I apologize if…
Fakku Tracker good or bad I think Poll is broken so I won't use it. Can't seem to find the same kind of topic here.
What do ya think of a Fakku tracker? That should reduce the server cost for big files in the long …
Question When I go to Manga and trying to see manga by series
the titles of series is not displaying
I don't know if this is my computer's problem or the problem on
Ugh, Polls Yeah. Debug errors involved with trying to get into any topic that contains a poll are even worse than those phBB errors were. I have to try at least 20 times to get into a poll topic and thats pretty…
pictures o.0 when i try to go to the images part this comes out:
General Error
Couldn't access list of Album Categories
SQL Error : 1 Can't create/write to fi…
The miscellaneous .gif images. Okay, so I am in the .gif image section, the miscellaneous part to be specific, and I am cycling through the pictures, fap action and all, when right when I get to the best part, BOOM. Ronald McDonald…
cant dl vids eather -.-' k i downloaded the crud so u can dl the new vids but it doesnt work for me with the viper 1's but other ones work fine i dunna if there is error or my comp wont accept em plz tell me.
More Game Downloads! More Game Downloads! Pleeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaase! :shock:
If there aint enough space, get rid of some of the crappier onesm or the japanese-only ones to make more space :D
phpBB : Critical Error Don't worry, you didn't break your internets. We're having some coding issues that are in the process of being resolved (might take a while though) so this message is going to pop up whenever we get a…
Uploading Pictures? I am having problems uploading personal pictures into your personal gallery, etc. After I fill out all the required information for the picture, I click Submit. Nothing happens afterwards. The page…
Debugging? i am continually getting errors with Azumax's posts. whenever i try to look at them i get a 'debug' error. hasnt happened to anyone elses but his so far so not sure if its site or just him.
Unknown or not ? Anime Fiction 1 - Part 03/10 = I"s
Anime Fiction 1 - Part 06/10 = Beurk bad bad parody (maybe sailor moon, i dont know)
Anime Fiction 1 - Part 10/10 = Gensomaden Saiyuuki
Anime Ficti…
April 10 update suggestions I posted in the comments, but the "Tomomi Ichirou Quarterly (summer, fall, winter)" doujinshi is actually based on Sakura Taisen 3, not dead or alive. Just FYI.
Main Page suggestion. im not sure how hard it would be, but it would be easier if you put the URL in the picture like you did with the donwload for Death Note #2. So if you wanted to view it you could just click the cove…