Fiery_penguin_of_doom wrote...
Waar wrote...
But do they really deserve their own boards? Can you not just use Random to post these things?
If it's remotely popular then random would begin to get flooded with individual threads ranging from "Rate my Deck/Army/Character" to speculating on a new release for Necrons or the newest Magic: The Gathering set, etc
I don't believe there will be that many threads, nor will they outlast the threads in Random which have potential to grow much larger/faster.
Fiery_penguin_of_doom wrote...
Do these subjects really receive enough attention for an entire section when it's as closely related to everything people talk about on fakku?
Does Sports and Fitness garner enough attention to warrant it's own section?
No, but I am not in charge of which sections exist so I can't remove it even if I wished to. It exists because Jacob feels it should and that is enough for me.
Fiery_penguin_of_doom wrote...
Sport and fitness don't belong in random because too few people engage in them here on Fakku
So by receiving little attention, it deserves its own board. That seems a bit backwards in my opinion. Shouldn't popular subjects get their own board instead of unpopular ones?
Popular subjects do get their own board, and it seems unpopular ones do as well. My point was that "What is your favorite type of D&D character" fits far better in Random than "Who do you think will win the World Series?" The topic is too far from the subjects our general population care about, while this section may not.
Fiery_penguin_of_doom wrote...
that can't be said for traditional games. I've seen threads like "favorite character type" survive in random and cause no problems. I don't believe it's worthy of it's own section
You saying two different thoughts here. You say Traditional games aren't worthy of their own sections and you justify that by pointing to a section that isn't really that popular to begin with.
I don't believe sports and fitness is worthy of it's own section either, but such is life.
You seem to misunderstand me, as often you do; I don't dislike the idea of the section, I simply don't think it will be very popular.