This is what I'm suggesting:
Every time someone registers an account to this site, they would automatically get re-directed to the
rules and faqs thread. As I've mentioned in some other threads, I joined because of Mote mote and am very happy I did. But for a long time I didn't know the rules or the rep system for that matter...
All of a sudden one day after getting 15 posts I saw this number under everyone's icon (the old forum layout) and a +/- and my reaction was "what the hell is that". Eventually I figured that it's a "way" of thanking people for uploads and such. But I learned of that
SEVERAL months after joining...I initially didn't care at all about the forums,
MY reason for registring an account was so I could vote for my favorite girl and hope that she would win.
BASICALLY, if new users get re-directed to the "rules and faqs" thread as soon as they sign up, they might read it and learn how things work around here before they start posting and making threads, what to do and what NOT to do...or they might not read it. Still, I don't think this idea is bad, there's nothing to lose and I feel it could make things better for everyone. It's worth at least trying...right?