Tsurayu wrote...
Truthful as that may be, why are you excusing Jacob?
I just don't understand this. This harkens back to what I said months ago when I left for a week. There is a serious lack of communication. If Jacob is seriously so damn busy that he can't do something that would literally, no joke, take five seconds to fix, then I feel like we all should know that.
Because at this point it looks more like he is either disinclined or incompetent. Such a serious lack of communication. This is seriously not a process that requires complex coding changes or anything of the sort.
Excusing the man? Who am I to hold him accountable? I don't pay for the service Fakku offers. I am thankful when things are done but I don't complain when they take time, I don't complain when he doesn't communicate. He runs the site which he offers for free, I simply don't believe I am entitled to more than I already receive from the man, I wish others would share that belief. Jake got a full time job recently and still managed to pop out a few updates and a major fix to the search function, I would say a bravo is in order rather than calling the man incompetent.
animefreak_usa wrote...
What ever happen to unpantsu.. I though he was the coding guy.. or the guy who fixes the jacob's oops.
Upantsu is a professional coder who manages many other websites where he is paid a full time salary. He works on Fakku when he has free time, or when he wants to test new ideas. Needless to say he does not have much time to help.
Red Vodka wrote...
Stop speaking in such a cryptic way, what do you mean "it's not as simple as it should be". You're not making any fucking sense. The only part that really makes sense to me is "Jacob takes as long as he does to fix anything(even the minor stuff)".
Stop saying stuff like "You've been here long enough". I haven't even been here for a year, and I only come here occasionally.
There is nothing cryptic about what I said, the explanation as to why it's not as simple as "1 2 3 poof" is that Jacob takes a lot of time to fix things. Others have been able to understand my point so either they were able to piece together my puzzle like statement or you have reading comprehension problems, I suspect the latter. You have been here long enough to know how long Jacob takes to do things, it would only take a month of reading Fakku to figure that out.