Crax wrote...
Yes it's bbc and the text between the [thanks][/thanks] will only show if you click the thanks button like in some other Forums, it's actually just another spoiler function. It's just a idea but hey it's the feedback section :]
I actually think this would not work well. Im not sure but are you implying that they should click the Thanks before they even see the content? What if they didnt like what they saw? They cant take the thanks back since they already ppressed it to see the content. That would be like giving a thanks even before the satisfaction which is not really...a thanks, rather a payment, which is, Im sure, not something you would want.
I think a simple post of Thanks if enough, if not, just like Hongfire system, "this post has been thanks by xx users" like what Kaimax and you said.
Im not really in the place to say this because I have low rep but I actually didnt care much about the rep system weather it is gone or present, but I guess having it not there would be the best for the community, so I would like it gone. Its been really fine the past few weeks and I dont see anything bad.