Waar wrote...
Drifter995 wrote...
Waar wrote...
I'm not sure who merged your threads but if the staff members feels strongly enough that it should be merged and does not agree with you it's not something that will change. Again merge is a function we can't undo but I don't believe it was a mistake this time so unless you're simply asking if you can make another similar thread I don't understand what you want.
We have the system set in place so users can't bump their own threads multiple posts in a row, please don't do it now that you have a workaround.
Incorrect, you can split the threads... Or should be able to... Other forums do it, so if somebody goes horribly off topic, they split the thread as it's off topic, leaving original on topic, and the other on on topic of what it was... Essentially.
But otherwise, I was hoping I could have control of the topic, since it's dead, which I could do by starting another one, and you merging it into it, so I'm in control, or else iunno... But that would be good if I could do that.
I don't even know how to respond to you, it may work on other forums but it doesn't here, the mod would have to go post by post trying to determine which posts were part of which thread, and frankly the person who merged it still has not admitted to being in the wrong here. Regardless, whoever merged your topic has decided it's similar enough that they belong together and unless you convince them your words fall on deaf ears. As for you having control of the master thread that will also remain up to whoever merged your topic... It is possible, but I'm not sure they will agree to it. I don't really believe there needs to be a new OP and I question why you should have control over it but as I've said a few times now it's not my call.
I suggest Drifter attempt to reach the proper mod(I know you already have but it seems you were unsuccessful) plead his case, or explain why he should be in charge of the thread. Making a second version of the thread after a mod merged it is likely to cause problems as it did the last time users decided to ignore staff judgement.
Ah, righto. cheers dude.
In my point about the splitting threads, I mainly said that, cause the thread is still two threads in one.. as soon as my opening post starts, boom, the remainder of the thread is all about jdm 'n' crap...
But yeah, I'll try to get in contact with the proper mod, and see how I go. I'm sure a little debate with said mod can't be too harmful :D (assuming I find the one)
And the point about the being the new op, surely in nosebleed, op's are allowed to post multiple times in a row, to post more pictures, and keep their thread alive? I was thinking the copy, delete, add and repost thing would have been more bad... but if that's what it will take, I'll keep doing that I suppose.
Cheers dude :)