somesome wrote...
Kaimax wrote...
Rather than complaining about a rule not etched to stone yet, think of a way
solution to do that while preventing the ones that posts
I'm not complaining or anything, I even doubt this rule will ever be implemented. There is already a banned filehost list, and people posting bad links will get punished. If there are users "desperate" enough to download the links provided by those bots then hey, it's their mistake, they've already been warned.
Then We need someone besides the admin that have the power to ban users in sight, Like In the past, Teclo (goddamn he's MIA).
somesome wrote...
It's all up to us as good citizens to make a peaceful community.
And I just did, by suggesting those rules. I'm trying to prevent rather than fixing stuffs. Letting the "invisible hand" takes over can make things much worse.
at least I tried to think of a solution.
Now it's your turn, besides rejecting mine, Because I'm expecting something better if you think mine won't work.
and BTW, Fakku is already doing "your solution" but nothing has happened.