yepperoni wrote...
Looks fine in Safari 5.0.4 (Stable), but a large white space in WebKit r80833 (Safari nightlies)
Because Chrome is based off of Safari/WebKit, it also has the same issue.
Looks fine in Firefox 3.6.15 (Stable) and Minefield 4.0b13pre (2011-13-17, nightly)
Also looks fine in Opera 11.01.
I've been running WebKit nightlies for a while, and It's been like this for a couple revisions, so I guess the WebKit devs might not be aware of it. Could be a regression in the WebKit. I sent in a report via the "Report Bugs" menu item, so hopefully they'll take a look and fix it. I would file a full Bugzilla bug report, but I'm not smart enough to describe exactly what part of the CSS/HTML/JS is causing it and don't want to bother them with duplicate vague bugs.
Hope they don't mind the adult ad on the bottom.
This post was awesome and a huge help, I have fixed the issue.