Honestly, if one person pays for the subscription and everybody knows the password to said account, you can do exactly that. I seriously wouldn't recommend it though. Only one credit card will be getting charged, so that person will have to bite the bullet and trust the rest of the parties involved to pay their part. Secondly, with everybody accessing one account, it is quite easy for the one who has the email address associated with said account to fuck others over with password resets. What if somebody puts their credit card up for subscription, but somebody else owns the account? Because they can simply change the password, and the person paying wouldn't be able to access the account and stop the payments from recurring. Just like that, somebody got a subscription for free that can't be canceled without direct contact with Fakku staff, and even then I don't know how sympathetic they'd be.
Seriously, unless he's your best friend and you know him IRL, I would never recommend you share an account with anybody for ANY website, especially where somebody's credit card data is involved.