Ziggy wrote...
I sent a spare router to a Canadian friend of mine and we were both surprised by the duty fees in Canada when importing. It cost him $40 to retrieve it after I spent $50 to mail it.
I've seen some Canadians on here purchase the books individually to prevent the duty fee. @myurton-4045440 have you had success with that?
Though I suppose you only purchased one book initially based on the cost that you explained.
Yes I have, though it may also be cause I live in Ontario. I've noticed that certain provinces do stupid things that increase the price of imported goods.
The law btw is that anything worth less then $20 in the originating countries currency will be import tax exempt. It used to be $60 but it was changed by our (Maximum sarcasm on!) "lovely Prime Minister" (Maximum sarcasm off) Steven Harper.
zecknor wrote...
Every book they charge me roughly 19 dollars. This time it came with 2 books so they charged me around 37~
Last time they charged me 19 for 1 book.
And the time before another 19 for 1 book.
Every Single Time.
I don't know about you but I actually have no import tax as long as I buy the Fakku books individually.
Your getting the import tax might actually be a stupid British Columbia thing.
zecknor wrote...
Sigh... I think I'm done with physical books. They even teared open the box every single time. And the wrapping to flip through the books.
Also sounds like you have a bunch of assholes that run your post office. I've never had them open my package and I know 100% that what they did is illegal and you can take them to court for that. Opening packages without a police permit (or whatever it's called) is completely illegal.