YQII wrote...
Yes, there should be if you click the settings cog in the top right. Quoting from the
FAKKU Reader Help topic:
Page Display Mode
Determines how pages are displayed. If you like to view two pages side by side, then Two Pages When Possible is the option you're looking for. By default the reader uses Singles With Spreads, which displays one page at a time unless the action spans across two pages.
Besides there, there is also the option for Single Pages Only, which does exactly what it says on the tin - as such, the above kind of two page spreads will be shown as two separate single pages.
[URL removed - do not link to piracy sites]
If you enable long strip mode, see how the entire chapter is within the one scrollbar. However, with the Fakku reader, even though you scroll down, the pages are still changed. To better understand, compare the urls: with the manga site I linked, if the single page mode is enabled, the url changes from page 1 to 2 to 3, etc, and when the long strip is enabled, its all one url; now the Fakku url changes with every scroll and it also goes from page 1 to 2 to 3, etc.
So what I'm hoping can be implemented is a way to read the entire chapter within one scrollbar.