Simple. I am reading online, when suddenly a page doesn't load, no matter how long I wait. Just that small rectangle telling me there should be an image of a page there. A missing page is highly disconcerting for me, after all. The same page was unavailable to me when I switched browser, which confused me, then I completely switched computer and the SAME pages wouldn't load on a completely different computer.
For instance, in
this manga, pages 1, 4, 5, 7, 10, 11, 13, 20 and 21 will not load. This is irregularly much. Most of the time, it is only one or two pages per chapter. Still, it is very disturbing to me, especially since the problem pursued me onto a completely separate computer (although with the same internet connection).
Does anyone know what is causing this or perhaps even how I may solve this complication?