I've been coming (cumming) here for a while, 5 years according to my new achievement, and the one thing I've always wanted was to reorganize my favorites. Grouping an entire series together that I favorited over the years as it was released, or being able to sort by tags like I can do with the search on the main site would make finding an old favorite a lot easier.
This idea has been brought up several times in the past. No word yet if it will be a feature in the future. My guess is most likely. I try to keep my favorites minimum so this has never been an issue for me.
Might sound strange but I'm actually able to remember where this or that doujin is simply by remembering more or less when I read it first...
But being able to sort them out would definitely be more handy :D
This needs to be done, mainly because it would be nice to have all of the doujins for a certain character/series next to each other rather than scattered around several pages