Yeah that would be nice to have.
It's nice to know what's popular today, yesterday, last week, and etc. etc. It's pretty much a recommendation to read something by the same people who like the same stuff as you. Although there have been times where something is so bad that it get's a lot of traffic.
Rebecca Black
How mad would you guys be if I posted the Rebecca Black video? I'd be annoyed, she's not even remotely cute in my mind.
There's just one flaw in the system.
The uploads. If the uploaders deem it, they could upload all vanilla, forced, and oppai for weeks on end. If that happens the Top 10 for other tags which don't get a lot of traffic as it is like mizugi, megane, or humiliation will stagnant and it'll be the same thing and than people won't use it.
In my experience though this problem isn't that huge, it's in fact tiny and people aren't that crazy anymore. FAKKU! is more weird than crazy. In the end it just comes down to the uploads and no one can see into the future.
Anyways, question.
What is going to be the measuring tool for what get's in the top ten? Likes? Favorites for that week? It'd have to be something that changes easily since Most Favorite and Most downloaded have been the same for a good amount of time. Don't get me wrong I like Tayu Tayu but it's been there for the past year and by now I've learned not to trust Favorites and Downloads but use my own judgement.
I really hate it when I get too into something. It took me an hour to post this.