I have a suggestion for tagging stories:
- Users can suggest a tag or endorse an existing one (no down votes)
- Tags on a story are not shown until they receive at least 10 votes. Only 'shown' tags count for searching or showing chapters by tag
- When a tag is created, a corresponding forum topic is created(In a tag forum), where the creator can explain the intent and how the tag might be different than other tags.
- When adding/voting on tags, a user can see all submitted tags, whether they have the required votes to be shown
I suggest this as a way to do several things:
1. Take the burden of tagging off of the editors, though they can of course mark initial tags with 1 vote.
2. Allow the community to take ownership of tags and what they mean (see recent discussions of NTR tag on a Cheating story). A Tag Forum Topic allows the community to decide what a tag will mean.
3. Ensure better tagging of chapters, as many eyes will be looking over the tags, and relieve Fakku staff from having to monitor chapters to check for tag suggestions.