W.O.C183 wrote...
First, let me welcome you to the first year at Fakku Forums. Here's a few things you need to know:
1. Anything stickied at the top, read it, it's helpful (although long, but it's expected of you to know about it to be a abled member of the forums)
2. Scan through the forums (lurking), it is advised that new members do so in order to be able to fit in smoothly without making a ruckus of the forums.
3. Learn how to operate the features of Fakku! like My Account, Settings, Messages. It will make things very easy for you.
4. Tracking threads is easy and DIY, not need for uneccessary notifications (as I said, learn the rope, it's a forum, not a shop, think of it like a club)
5. Meet Tegumi, she hosts the SD forums and is serious about making it a temple of Philosophic Shang-rila! *cues halo*
6. Since you are relatively new, they need to warn you early, and from the looks of it, you haven't been interpreting the rules correctly (Or have you read it at all?)
Mai response.
1. If it's long it's fine but there are so many.. it's like reading several types of iTunes ToS...
2. So many topics I wouldn't know where to begin. T.T
3. I'm familiar with the features. Hmm.. you guys should have automated messages for moving topics and warnings just as a little heads up. Heck, even an automated message for buying a Fakku Book or any other product would be nice. :P
4. I track my threads from my posts, but I don't know how to track other peoples threads that I haven't posted within when there are new threads added every day. Subscribe? :p
5. Tegumi's curt forum post may prevent any good feelings. If it wasn't a serious discussion she could have made it one which is difficult since if she is as philosophical as you say she is then maybe serious discussions doesn't exist.
6. Yeah, I didn't read the stickied rules. I didn't think I'd have to as my latest topics shouldn't have been anything close to controversial.
W.O.C183 wrote...
Ok, fresh off reading your previous topics, and I have two off-topic advice for you. 1. Suggestion to change: OK; Suggestion to remove: you're treading a fine-line; Complaints: nope, it will always comes off as whining, nothing can change the way it's received. 2. Not everything is going to suit you and your comfort, learn to compromise, learn to respect other's comfort.
Now, you also need to know whether to make a thread or just ask someone through messages. (Usually if you only need answers, message a mod.)
As I said, go explore around, tentatively, this time around.
Could you be more specific? The last 4 topics really weren't mean't as off-topic. Prior to those topics yeah I'd understand then.
Suggestion to remove? Ah, I think you're referencing the Japanese only hentai. I don't want them removed, just translated or give them their own tag, to-be-translated or "Raw" section. I'd pay not to see them, not for their removal. I don't want to have to learn Japanese to prevent missing out on daily uploaded front page content.
I can't complain here? That's what most forums are for though. If suggestions count as complaints then just call me a crabby granny. :(
I haven't met much compromise, looks pretty one sided to me most of the time.