Just for your information, Gambler, Mattarat, and Mike all live in different timezones, conveniently spread out on each third of the globe.
It's quite safe to say we won't get any more Global Mods. We might get a User Uploads mod, but if you guys keep pushing for one it's only going to deduct points from our book. We decide who our moderators will be, and let me say just this. One of the best ways to kill off your chances to become a mod is to overpolice things, or to try too hard to become one. None of our global mods have gotten to where they were because they wanted to be one. As Jacob said, we don't want people who'll impose their opinions and use their powers to overpolice the site. As I've told all the moderators on this forum, humility is key. I hate mods who abuse their position, and I'm sure all the other admins feel the same way.
The moderators are not supposed to boss the users around, they're supposed to use their powers as a tool to expand the community and make it better. Jacob gave the great example of tsujoi, who was aptly rewarded. Teclo, on the other hand, was made Requests mod because of his sheer helpfulness in the Requests section. Hibia has been of great help in the translation team and he is a professional in all things computer. Gambler, Mike, and Mattarat, all three of them, never, ever, dreamed they would become Global Moderators, but were awesome users that really stood out in terms of what they would bring to the staff team. Gambler, for example, has been with us for a long time, truly understands FAKKU's philosophy, and every post he makes is well thought out, encourages further discussion, and is a joy to read.
Hopefully a temp ban system will be implemented soon, and when this finally comes to fruition I highly encourage you guys to use the report button. I have dealt harshly with the User Uploads Necrospammer (I hope you like the new title he got), as well as a few others. We will step up frequency of temporary bans to make sure the lessons go through. Like many of you said, it's impossible for any single mod to go through each and every single thread. Increasing the number of mods does not mean they'll get to every single thread, since this is impossible for any one person to do. But you users can. And it is up to you guys to use the often neglected Report button, so all we have to do is log in, open the reports, and deal with the troublemakers. I feel a more efficient, user-supported, temp-ban and reporting system, NOT more mods, is more conducive to a better forum environment.
Hope that makes it clear exactly what our stance is at this moment on increased moderation.