Nothing really that big but i thought it could be nice
At the moment the Rep system is just a bunch of numbers which increases and decreases depeding on who you are.
What i propse is that at certain intervals or numbers you get somesort of title (not custom)
-101 - -200 Rep
-51 - -100 Rep
Fakku Demon or Demon
-16 - -50 Rep
Fakku Cultist OR Cultist
-6 - -15 Rep
Fakku Criminal OR Criminal
-1 - -5 Rep
Fakku Fiend OR Fiend
0-5 Rep
Fakku Vagrant OR Vagrant
6-15 Rep
Fakku Stranger OR Stranger
16-50 Rep
Fakku Novice OR Novice
51-75 Rep
Fakku Regular OR Regular
Fakku Veteran OR Veteran
101-200+ rep
Fakku Celebrity OR Celebrity
201-300 Rep
Fakku Legend OR Legend
Fakku Diety OR Diety
Fakku God
Fakku Myth
1000 +
Holy Fakkuist
Etc etc
this wouldnt really change nothing but i thought it might make things abit cooler xD
Also i want to introduce Medals,
Medals or achievments that would appear just under you avatar, that MODS can award you with depending on what you have achieved throughout the forum xD
I'm no Gfx'er so i cant design these but i can show what they could look like xD
(copyright of Black$White Clan) AND/OR
(Copyright of Adiboss, and the Darkside Clan)
If someone could deisgn these or somethign all together different but small enough to go under your avatar but big enough to be noticed then it would be cool
some ideas
Fakku Elder - Post over 1000 times
Fakku Celeb - Have over 100 Rep
Fakku Threadmaster - Have a Thread with over 10000 Posts in it
Fakku Legend - Well Known to all of Fakku
Fakku Helper - Posts Helpful Info Alot
Fakku Fapper - Posts Helpful images Alot
Fakku Comedian - Funny Guy/Girl
Fakku Speaker - Has a point on everything
Fakku Flamer - looks for fights to get into
Fakku Brain - A real genius
Fakku Programmer - Coding expert
Fakku Artist - GFX-ers true pride
Fakku Idolizers - Shows true devotion to a certain character
Fakku Critic - Offereing info in the not so nicest way
And im sure you can thing of many more, if you like this idea pls post ideas down :)