Kuroneko1/2 wrote...
neko-chan wrote...
I understand one of the benefits of anonymity on the internet is that you don't have to worry about being treated by some people based on your sex.
neko-chan wrote...
You are always going to be treated differently depending on your sex and the internet doesn't protect you from this.
I meant that It doesn't protect you from the human nature to treat people a bit differently based on their sex. You are still treated a certain way: like a guy. The benefit of anonymity on the internet is that EVERYONE by default is treated like a guy (unless you are visiting a girl dominated website), so in a sense we are all treated the same (as guys).
But just because we are viewed the same, doesn't mean that it erases human nature to treat people differently based on sex - everyone just now treats you as a male. In my opinion, the mask of anonymity doesn't brand you as "?" mark for gender, it just makes every one the same gender (male). It is more of a philosophical point than anything.