dormente wrote...
i wonder if flash animation would get some problems with the bandwith. im not arguing with the "i want this doujin and that more" um i think the request and upload sections exists for those reasons.
oh yeah about irc. i recalled going in there once coz i wanted to join a free server for Ragnarok online 2 but i got a shit load of viruses from it so im not going in there...ever. maybe a new chat system?
im not sure if everyone would agree with me on that.
Flash animations are hosted offsite.
If you got a virus off IRC you must have been around 10 when you went in. The only way to get a virus on IRC is to use a very dodgy client and accept files. But spammers and virus spreaders are killed off Rizon servers and I personally keep the channel clean. So you might want to revise RFC 1459.