Could anyone that's interested in taking part in the podcast as a co-host please pm me their skype info? Then I can add you all so we can talk about some ideas and see how well we mesh.
Maybe you will all think I'm an unfunny bore. God that sounds like my worst nightmare. Not funny AND boring. Gosh.
No one yet. I'm giving people time. I might pm a few that have shown some interest.
There's no pressure.
At the moment I'm thinking whether I should sign up at or not. Probably the best way to get a podcast going, although there is a small price.
But if this podcast really goes places, then it's probably the best choice.
Uhhh... am I the one that has to pm Jacob and ask if I can call this The Unofficial FAKKU! Hentai Podcast?
The topic of discussion would be hentai news, recently watched/read/played hentai. Hentai to look forward to, conversations about the hobby and the art, and so on and so forth.
Hentai news (once I find more places to get such...) and reviews would be a regular fixture, covering past, present and future stuff.
Also I think once the show gets going we can have conversations about certain other aspects of hentai.
And while this is supposed to be a hentai podcast, I think keeping it more FAKKU! central is not bad. Could then focus some on the recent FAKKU! updates and such.
I have 2 potential co-hosts so far, so I'm going to talk it through with them.
There's no need to pay, not yet at least. Seriously, all you need is Skype, something like Soundbooth to record with, simple editing software and a Soundcloud account. All of that can be acquired for free, and that way you already have a third party mobile app that people can use.
Like I said, I might be interested, but it depends on a few things. There should really be a thread for discussion/planning to lay down what exactly the structure would be, what you'd talk about, how you'd distribute it etc.