unpantsu wrote...
Honestly, the ideal writing/critique interface would look nothing like a forum and would likely require a good deal of additional interface design and code to handle. Handling non-story submissions (e.g., the choose-your-own-adventure threads) would either require further work, or be delegated back to the current forum-hosted solution.
I'll think about it a bit and see if I can come up with some ideas. I'm not really familiar with the structure of the content posted there -- are releases mostly episodic content (e.g., chapters in a book) or are they standalone? Should discussions be at the end of each chapter, or should we have inline commenting (ala Google docs)? What other features should there be?
Having content-specific subforums is definitely a viable stopgap in the meantime; I'll talk to Jacob over the weekend and see if we can devise a reasonable system to facilitate it. Right now, the only interface to create/modify forums/subforums is to directly modify the SQL database :|
All it truly needs is sub-categories of writing.
For example, completed works would go in one, ongoing stories in another, and poems and miscellaneous in the other.
Chose-your-adventures are not a large problem- The author could post the different choices under spoilers.
From what I have seen, there is a large mixture of the content posted. Some are ongoing stories and others are shorts and poems.
Also, Most comments are posted after each release, but if the OP kept a master-list of his chapters/works in the first post, Fakkuers could easily comment.
Okay, thank you.
I understand this is difficult,so I will do all I can to help.