Some of you may have noticed the auto suggestion drop down that appears when you begin searching for something in the top right search bar. This new feature went live very early this morning (after a long night of coding) and is the first bit of AJAX I have included in FAKKU. It will suggest, based on what you type in, any
Artist Name,
Manga Title, or
I am incredibly proud to say that it works and looks the exact same in
Internet Explorer 6,
Internet Explorer 7,
Opera, and
Firefox. But don't let that stop you from downloading and using
Firefox if you don't already.
And I want your opinions and suggestions about this feature and everything else on the site. I make things like this to make browsing easier and better for you, the user. So if I stray away from that and just start doing random things that make no sense, be sure to tell me.
I have also started making some changes to the forums, including adding new categories.:
New Category Added! Cosplay and Conventions
New Category Added! Computers and TechnologyHelp and Support merged with
Feedback and Suggestions into
Feedback, Suggestions, and Support.
Comics + Graphic Novels merged with
Entertainment into
Hentai Videos and Movies merged with
Hentai Manga and Doujinshi into
Hentai Manga, Doujinshi and Movies.
Front Page Polls became a subdirectory to
News and Blogs.
I just had a thought, would anyone use a
Mecha and Robots category?