Donation goals for in-house translation releases? Say, fifty to a hundred per. Given my guess about how many people visit Fakku daily, a hundred per spread out amongst the community in general's probably on the ridiculously low side of things!
It also means the translators get paid. Happy translator = happy faps! Er, wait. Fans. I meant fans.
You could also open a Fakku store and sell hardcopy doujins. Even the mainstream publishing industry's starting to realize that giving off free content doesn't mean a direct correlation to a lowered bottom line. Rather, free stuff seems to entice people to get themselves a wood pulp copy of it...
The random porn ads didn't really bug me. Hell, some of them are kinda funny, it was mainly the clicksor stuff. (which I'm extremely happy that it's gone BTW) Also once I start having money on a regular basis again, I'll gladly donate to the site.
I think this donation meter is a good idea. Though I'm not sure you need to reward us with something (as that means you'll really just ending up not giving us stuff you would have given us earlier). It would probably encourage lots of people just to have the meter there to see how close we are to getting another server or whatever.
you can be like saha or tadanohito, translating for money, just put up a poll to choose which doujins to be translated. Donation meter also a good idea, ppl tend to donate when theres reward involved. Hence, my suggestion is to put up a translated doujin whenever the donation has been fulfilled.
I have no problem with ads on fakku. sure if its stupidly flashing or pretending to be a game that can be annoying but this is truly the best free(if not just the best) hentai site ive seen and id be more than happy if you were getting more money for your work.
I'd Just like to see the people who actually donate to the site to get recognized in some way. Even if its just a few red letters under their name saying Fakku donator or something. Donating and realizing that something is actually being done with the money and seeing what is being done matters to me. So having the Donation Meter or sending out complimentary gifts for large donations wouldn't hurt. (i.e those Fakku shirts?)
dude, I'd easily give hundreds for a shirt...there's nothing like displaying publicly that I love hentai and know a great site for those that do as well...WIN! Oh, and I wasn't being sarcastic...
I agree with some of the stuff said in this topic...
a donation meter will probably help alot, it makes people realize you need money and they'll donate sooner. they also can see how much you still need and may persuade them to donate a few bucks (maybe a few, but all the little bits help xD )
also naming all the people who donated on the site is a good idea, makes people happy to donate ^_^
and why not try to give something away each month to the donators, like some other sites do. like all the people who donate get the chance to win a prize each month. ofcourse if the price isn't something alot of people want it kinda fails, and most people want expensive things, so it probably will only work if you've alot of money to buy the prize... but you can start out small, and maybe put up a minimum amount of donation, like if in a month there hasn't been more then $20 in donations the prize will not be given away, but that also kinda s*cks xD
and a Fakku shop might be a good idea, helps to gather people and earn some bucks :D
Hm, the ads are really a little bit anoying (all this ugly real women ;) ), but I try to focus on the important things on this side...
...or try some donation, I for myself would donate, because you all put a lot of work, money and time in this and so donation is a good thing to show some THX to you guys !!!
new member, but i'd be all for donating to support the site. Lots of sites have a donate for unlimited d/l limit or something. Oh and maybe im the minority, but i dont see the ads cause adblock+ probably just disables them all
A while back i remember it being mentioned that maybe a "buy it here" link could be added to certain manga added to the site. A affiliate link for Fakku linking to a online store where if they wanted to support the artist and Fakku, someone could buy it and Fakku gets a bit of the profit.
I do like the Shirt Idea, i know i would buy at least two XD
There are some good ideas in this thread, but those of you that mention requiring donations to to get something like a bonus update(or anything else) as it's been said goes against everything Fakku is.
the shirt idea seems to come up alot. shirts are cheap to make, and if you give an extra special one to the person who donates the most, say every six months or something, you can create a demand. then you have a contest, and some people are very compedative. you could also sell lesser shirts for about 10-20 $US. if you know how to do silk screening, it's even cheaper to make shirts cuz you can do it yourself. make them only after they are ordered so there is no extras that aren't sold. i have done it before, the only thing that complicates it is alligning more than one color. i would pay at least $10 for a shirt that just said "FAKKU!"(like at the top, with the crooked !) on the front and/or back. if i did it my self, i could probably make thirty or fifty in one day easy.