Clannad. It's such an awesome series. So much good stuff about it and from it. Today, I have a new Clannad release (our first one too!): Minna de Nakayoku by Ookura Bekkan (we also did another release from the same artist, which you can find here)!
So damn awesome. Seriously, this is one of the funniest doujins I've ever read. That final page is to die for.
Both I and Mike spent time on this that we really could have used. He took time out of his sleep, I took time out of my studying (and consequently my sleep too) for what has been a real hell week for me. But I'll stop drawing attention to myself and hope you enjoy the release! Both of us had a lot of fun working on it.
To download, discuss, and send us hot Asian women as thanks, go to the release thread by clicking on the image above.
And, since that doujin lacked Mei, I'll post this video that Jacob found a couple days ago. I got a good laugh out of it.
I also believe Jacob will have some more goodies for all of you, which he'll tag to the end of this update. So keep checking back!