this fascist american militaristic pride show nauseate me.. i find it incredible that people support illiterate mass murderers (fallujah white phosphorus rings a bell to you all?) in a country who's not a military dictatorship.. a country that supports fascist dictatorships in the past and now like colombia and saudi arabia.. that changed the legitimate outcome of democratic elections through coup d'etat only because the party who won the elections was a left-wing one (central america countries like grenada, panama and nicaraguan contra e.g.).. you should be ashamed..
and before you say in your really democratic way that i'm a sandnigger/terrorist because i dissent i inform you that i'm neither muslim or arab/semitic/iranian but i'm an italian atheist. in europe is full of people that hate not the american people but how you present yourself and how you think of others e.g. the manifest destiny or americans exceptionalism.. if you don't know what i'm talking about then your education system is shit because i'm talking about monroe doctrine, cold war doctrines and so on. you should be ashamed of your country..
thank you mather nature you give us also americans who are not pricks and can think with their brain and are not fanatic christians or revanchist republicans or worse tea party evangelical abortion haters.