animefreak_usa wrote...
MVmastervileviolatorMV wrote...
CosDev wrote...
I've compiled the screen shots and video into one rar file
As promised, here are some more shots of the lovely Ivy to hold you over till the set is released.
And since people seem to be confused. When the set is posted all members will receive FREE access to it.
Thanks again to the thousands of people who turned out for the shoot!
Nice! An update!!
*does the reaction of my avatar*
Edited (reason: Addition of question)
P.S. Why isn't the .mp4 file entitled "F" playing even in VLC? Thanks.
Because it's not a real file.. the total file size of the rar is 565k.. dl it thrice.. same thing.
Well, it
is a file, just not an .mp4 file. If you open it in a text editor, you'll see that it's actually an html file.
aumynus wrote...
CosDev wrote...
I've compiled the screen shots and video into one rar file
I noticed the mp4 included in the rar appeared to be damaged, so I replaced it with the one that njones112 uploaded
Link to the fixed file is
LoveNothing wrote...
so wil the set be free to get, or do we need membership?
It'll be free to us Fakkuza members (i.e: anyone who's a member of Fakku)