i am thankful for the time i get to spend on the things i love to do. my reading, spending time with my close friends, and my near obsessive watching of anime. i know they sound quite basic but they are the things that keep me going. i love to read, i have ever since i was in elementary school,the first novel i read was "Bambi"(600+pages) in fifth grade. i love spending time with my cousins, i know they are, and are not the first thing people think of hen they think of friends, but my cousin as the first person i was able to really relate to when i was a kid(and we didn't even speak the same language), then there are the few friends i made in high school, the ones i still talk to allow me to see the world through someone else's perspective, and then there is a friend of my mother's who i was introduced to in my senior year, she has become a person i could trust my deepest secret to and know it would be safe,i know that i have the same name as the son who robbed her blind, and won't let her see her grandchildren, but even still she was able to see past my name, and see the person i was(dark humor and all). my anime consumption hit the first peak before i went to Italy for my summer, i downloaded about 20+ full shows(easily over 500 episodes) and i was able to get through 20(not counting the ones i had already watched), it has now reached another peak with me at roughly 40 shows in my archive(1400+ episodes, i really like long shows and more than one season) and the only problems i am having are finding them dubbed and finding the time to watch them all. there would have been more but i didn't want to eat up too much time.