C:\DOCUME~1\KURTWE~1\LOCALS~1\Temp[UFW]_Lucky_Draw_Triangle_~Miharu_After~_-_01_[h264_480p][3D15A7F9].mkv.torrent could not be opened, because the associated helper application does not exist. Change the association in your preferences.
The same goes for Sindalf's upload of Enyoku Captivating Lust 01
Talking to myself:
*note: The problem sounds easy enough to fix, but I have no talent when it comes to computers. Time to google it!
edit: Ok, got past the error; now I just need to figure out how I made it try to open the saved file with Adobe Reader LOL! I'm so bad at this. It looks like my comp is downloading the file as an Adobe Reader doc, so it automatically uses that program.
Torrents have never been my friend, which is why I avoid them. Luckily this one is up on MU.