Some of you may have noticed the new comment ranking system that went live last week, it allows users to vote comments up or down and the content page displays them accordingly. It's similar to all the typical like/dislike systems you've seen on other websites, but now you can do it on FAKKU! It keeps track of the likes/dislikes you've received in your profile, and it works on all manga, game, and video pages. Give it a try!
Also I haven't posted any new uploads in a while, so here's a ton of new stuff.
You just keep making things better and better. It's not a major change, but a welcome one if I do say so myself...because now I determine if the comments I leave are funny or not, and that's just great.
Ugh, am I the only one that thinks this isn't a good idea?
This could be abused just as poorly as the Reputation system on the forums. What is it with everyone's fascination with having to be praised by an arbitrary number?