zuperbas wrote...
(any place i can find the upload regulations btw?)
I think Jacob is still writing them.
zuperbas wrote...
EDIT @raze his last post: you said loli aint aloud... I still see some around >.> *looks at louise (zero no tsukaima) doujins/images... looks at sanzin_nagi/Katsura_Hinagiku (hayate no gotoku) doujins... Looks at the bamboo blade doujins... looks at images section* So uhm could be me... and btw loli isnt always underaged can also be flat chested as louise is clearly loli but still 16 (thats legal right??)... (plz dont hate me)
This is probaply get me in the negative with rep but IDC as a dutch person I just needed to get this off my chest
Ok i will just take a short brake from giving you - rep. and comment your Edit :twisted:
You`ve got a point, the opinions of what is Loli and what it`s not, differs from Person to Person or even country to country.
Regarding German Law, Person under 14 Years are considered as childs, hence the showing of Persons under 14 Years in a sexual way is considered as Child Pronography.
However that doesn`t really help considering Loli-Characters, as we all now... she is already 21..... oh yeah sure....
Personally i wouldn`t refer to Louise as a Loli, i think flast chested as you mentioned fits better ( and she is not under 14... strike ^^)
By the way i stumbled over some pictures in the Gallery which are clearly loli as well. So i yes we need a little bit of cleaning.