winter55 wrote...
Is this some kind of popularity contest among anime? If it is I'll join :D
In short its a quest for the most *bangable* *girl*
Most hugable girl and the most bangable boy should go to another contest.
WhiteRabbit wrote...
let's hope it doesn't become a flame war again like last time.
And I hope the flames speed up global warming and trigger the second coming of the Flying Spaghetti Monster.
Has long as we don't descend into ad-hominem or endless discussion about how everything someone said is pure personal opinion, I say its fine.
yanger wrote...
W00t! Motemote was the reason I even found out about this place :D
Ditto and we are not the only ones.
OK PEOPLE lets make a rule, if people post and all they said amounts to:
boring_looser wrote...
1 more vote to Sabeharukarerin! way too hot!
You get punnished, some how. Maybe dropping the post and getting a notice will suffice.
Yes I know, fat chance.