Fiero88Formula wrote...
Wow. I read that topic here, which I'm guessing is what started all of this mess...
... and I've got to say, some people may not like what I'm going to say but I'm going to say them anyway.
Like his post is fucking amazing - amazingly fucking stupid that is.
ananonymoususer wrote...
To perhaps cast light on some discussion, I put forth a suggestion.
My solution is: Back up the code base, back up the manga. Allow me monitored administrative access to the code base, through SVN (which I can set up). Then we can just dump SVN comments to the front page every month or so to show the bug fixes and to encourage further work from myself and Jacob. If I do anything horrendous, SVN has a backup of all of the code base from before I started.
This is the type of post that makes you look like you're threatening someone. "I've shown I can have control of something. My proposition is for you to give me some sort of power. Or else this could happen ~or~ to prevent this from happening."
Yeah... I highly doubt when you basically threaten someone on the internet - which is what was done here if you read between the lines - that person is going to cede to you.
There's something people need to realize here. THIS IS JACOB'S "HOUSE". You're in his home. If you don't like being here, GET, THE, FUCK, OUT. Plain and simple folks. Jacob doesn't have to do a damn thing for any person here.
First, Jacob does this on his OWN TIME, for us. I thought it was utterly absurd when I read that post further up in that topic when the OP suggests this is ALL Jacob does. Yes, I'm pretty sure Jacob just sits around on his computer ALL FUCKING DAY doing absolutely NOTHING else. Man, if you believe that crock of horse shit you're an idiot.
Second, all of this is FREE. People take WAY too much for granted. Jacob lets people freely join (hell, you don't even have to join if you don't want to), read the material on his site, and Jacob handles all the issues like making sure the server space is paid for every month and such. Remember, THIS IS HIS "HOUSE". He could be an ass and do some shit like set it up to where you have to pay to join, or make it where basic membership just allows posts in the forums. No. He's a good guy though. He lets people join, read the doujinshi that our esteemed translators (who you should also thank EVERY TIME something new is posted) take THEIR TIME to translate and edit the scans, and post essentially whatever they please in the forums.
But somehow all of that's not good enough? Ok. What ever. Don't like it. Fucking leave.
The subject matter by which my screen name comes has one of the greatest automotive forums on the net. It really is. The WHOLE place - and it's a large place - is moderated by ONE guy. Just one. Even here, there are moderators for each section, but this man handles EVERY section. How does he do it? The forum self-moderates. If a troll appears, the members can quickly down-rate and speed-ban. If there are other issues, it's typically easy to actually notify the moderator if something drastic needs to be done. Honestly that happens every blue moon.
Yet again, here is the underlying point, it's the moderator's "house". He runs the show. If you don't like the show he's running, leave.
Fakku has something really special going on here. It's actually one of the few places on the net that is able to present doujinshi the way it does. I myself will admit there are some issues with the overall presentation of the page. However, if I really didn't like it, I wouldn't come here. Do I just leave then? No. I understand the intricacies that it took to come up with everything here and the dedication it takes to keep this place going.
Remember, Jacob can "pull the plug" at any point.
The point of this is that Jacob can run this place however he pleases, and if you don't like it, go somewhere else.
tl;dr the whole thing.
But let me address your house analogy. Fakku isn't Jacob's house, it's like his bank, and we've given him our personal information for sake keeping.
As I've already mentioned to Jacob, this is not a fucking hobby anymore, especially with the Fakku store launching soon. If Jacob and his admins don't take a proactive approach to the site and ensure it's up to date and secure, then they should be responsible and leave the business. They have a personal and professional RESPONSIBILITY to us to ensure that our data is safe. And while I don't know the full story, the fact that the same people were able to access the site using the same (or similar) means does signal that the admins for this site didn't have enough commitment to security.
I have full faith he will now that this unfortunate incident happened, but you're doing him a disservice with your post.