Read Online

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I never use the "read online" stuff. It would not be so bad if Fakku's online reader did not have java in it then I could use my image crawler to download the manga from those pages but since there is java or activex or some other scripting language used to make the gallery my prog cannot dl them correctly.

I collect hentai, been doing so for 9 years now (450GB collection so far) and I download from Fakku on a regular basis, or used to. The only other sites I know of where I can dl from requires that you buy a SexKey (for a buck but still useless hassle) or a HentaiKey account (much more expensive). I do not think they have as much manga content as Fakku does but I know that NVHentai has way more videos. I download in bulk and keep most of it, as it were; at least 25 new mangas or I wait till there are or trawl the manga repository for ones I have not downloaded yet.

But yeah, what actually happened with the downloads? Been searching for that but have not found it yet. Did the pages break or something? A lot of them had third party site links to mediafire or depositfiles so unless the actual pages themselves broke I cannot figure out a reason why all dl's would be gone instead of just the ones to the Fakku file servers.
I know there's read online. But my screen is too small for the image and I hate scrolling to read manga, especially when I have to do it with only 1 hand. XD

That's why I always download, see it in picture and fax viewer, use the slide show, and use the arrows on keyboard to navigate with just one hand. easy and it freed my other hand to do 'something else'.

Well, in summary... Please oh please, bring the download function baaaackk... TT______TT
I think fakku was a (really) fine place to be prior to the changes that were conducted a few weeks ago, now when I search I can't get past the first page of results (sometimes), I can't go to the comment when notified about other users' interaction whether it be reply (happened to me on all 4~5 notifications I got recently), upvote or downvote, and if I want to report the bug.. well there's simply no way to do so unless I fill the contact form, which I'm sure wouldn't reach a responsible developer, or start a thread and we don't really want that, threads bitching about bugs that is.

I suggest that a button be added to each page of fakku so if I happen to get an unexpected result or I land on a 404 page (ho how I hate those) from my fav list, all I need to do is click the button and info related to where I was, where I came from, what I was doing and who I am can be sent to the people responsible, this should be of some help to getting fakku to the way it was before (I hope).
idmb22 Input Gold Rank Here
Although I also like to collect my favourite ones, but before they enter that "category" I need to read them. Because of this and after being using the Read Online tool I have to say that the it's current state is fantastic and as always great job with it Jacob.

Also, thanks for the uploads.
Nice function for read :D
hi this is not important since i rarely read online and maybe it didnt matter to other online reader too but when i go to the next page the image is kinda need a little bit scroll down (just a bit)even when using the fit mode. so yeah i just one to point out that. nothing special much hope the download tab's back soon :D
I always read online.
While downloading helps sometimes, like if I go someplace with no internet connection or something, it's just better to start reading as soon as possible, instead of downloading...
The only other site I visited was nekohentai, specially because they had a nice tag system, and I love tags. Fakku now is neat on that aspect. I only miss the old volumes that were up on nekohentai and not here. I mean, they probably are here, but most things are not organized by volume or series and IMHO, that sucks.

Improvements? Just skip to next chapter after finishing the current one. It's so bothersome to always have to go back to the author page and scroll through 5 pages to get the next chapter.
I know some people like to fap after each chapter or something, but I like to read series as a whole. :/

I think that's just a bar or something on your browser that is not counting towards your screen size or something.
Allright!!!! \(0O0)\

I would rather visit fakku rather than facebook all day. This is my favorite site of all time and you guys are making it the Best.
I always read online. Only recently I started downloading some series on my Kindle. It just suddenly struck me that I could download hentai on it. I should've done that a long time ago.

From all of the online readers that are available (hentai and non-hentai) Fakku has the best one. Nothing beats AJAX loading (almost everyone else does full page refreshes, which just kills the mood).
no no no,
this is bad news, so there are download links huh?
I think what makes fakku a good site is its advanced read online feature
you see, another sites when you click next the next page won't appear instantly like fakku did, in other words, they load every page separately

well, if fakku have its download links service, it would be much more better for those who have slow internet connection
srsly,who need downloads when we can read online
i'm here for fapping not collecting
goobyplz wrote...
srsly,who need downloads when we can read online
i'm here for fapping not collecting

Oh great. Just because there's the online reader so that means downloading and collecting is pointless? Sorry but your argument is invalid.

Downloads is what makes FAKKU different from many other hentai sites. It's not really unique to FAKKU though but I think FAKKU is the best hentai DDL site. That said, FAKKU without DDL doesn't feel much like FAKKU. I'm not complaining. I just hope nobody would look down on people who prefer downloading over reading online regardless the reasons.
Can't help it but... I like to download more than read online. Helps me to enjoy the contents better with limitless rooming on the pages.
halfey wrote...

Downloads is what makes FAKKU different from many other hentai sites. It's not really unique to FAKKU though but I think FAKKU is the best hentai DDL site. That said, FAKKU without DDL doesn't feel much like FAKKU. I'm not complaining. I just hope nobody would look down on people who prefer downloading over reading online regardless the reasons.

If you have a boner, it doesn't matter
where are the download buttons ?
sorry i have been absent for a while
fire_kid2003 wrote...
where are the download buttons ?
sorry i have been absent for a while

Jacob stoled it :/
i agree with halfey's arguments. i'm collecting english h-mangas as well reading them online is useless for me.
FAKKU! "was" (and i hope it will be in future again) one of the few side i used to get the newest translated h-manga.
i'm sorry to say that but without the dl-links FAKKU! will be dead for me :<
first the movie-dl section, now the manga-dl section.... it won't last long and the reading section will be gone as well if this development keep on... i hope FAKKU! don't become an all commercial side were you need to pay an account to get the h-stuff.
The day Fakku removed the download feature, i completely ignored the manga and doujinshi section. Because i usually download the manga, then some time later i'll read/fap to it.
I don't like reading books/manga/doujinshi online. [size=11]Don't ask me why.[/h]

Right now i'm only here for the Forum, nothing else.
While I like the option to download I don't have my own computer, only an ipod, so it's not like I can download anything anyways...
Read online has always been there for me.
I really do love the new updates but I loved it when the names were posted with the hentai manga's on the front page thanks.

Btw sorry for the one post wonder but I forgot my password and all to my old account and the email is not working anymore so it's lost forever.
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