Huh, the strange thing is that I am actually a lefty, but I became used to... using my right hand while using my left hand to navigate the arrow keys, and I've never had any trouble. Thanks anyways for the new feature.
well, it really didn't matter at this point since i use my left for the arrow and my right for "something" else, oh well, i guess i gotta get used to another way of entertainment
This doesn't matter to me either since I use my phones internet to browse fakku. All I need to do is get comfy in my bed, tap the picture with my left, and not skip a beat right.
Funny how this doesn't really benefit me, despite being right-handed: turns out that I prefer my left hand when it comes to holding a baseball bat, a hockey stick and well... you know.
Hmm.. Sorry for being late to the party, here's my two cents on the current situation...
I have just tried this awesome new technique, but it seems a little lacking somehow..
I have become used to using my left hand to navigate, and my laptop has the 'pgup' and the 'pgdn' buttons placed near the arrow keys, which I have become familiar with using to navigate as well.. This helps when I want to quickly scroll instead of holding on a particular key to do so..
If it is at all possible that my post is read, could you awesome guys here at Fakku! implement something similar for the 'WASD' usage as well? Perhaps usage of 'Q' and 'E' to have similar functions would be nice.. =]
That is one small step for ergonomics, and on giant leap for right handed kind!
How it was before never bothered me as (despite using my right hand for every thing else) I've always fapped left handed.
Though if I really like something or am near done I use both hands to improve the stimulation(if you can make reading no-handed that would be awesome squared). I learned to solder for my electronics hobby a few years before I discovered fappin' so that being ambidextrous came natural. Soldering is one of those skills that makes you ambidextrous then makes you wish you were born a tentacle monster...Not for all the fun things you can do to women, but so you KNOW you have at least enough hands to hold all the things you are trying working on.