I promised you something awesome happening during the month of October, so here it is...
I dub this month
Scanlator Appreciation Month! Every so often this month, we'll post updates featuring some of our favorite scanlators. Today, I'm featuring
Rally T. He's a relative newcomer into the scanlation world, having started in late June of this year. Originally starting to help improve his Japanese and Kanji skills, he recieved such positive feedback that he started doing more translation work. He's started doing some of the more popular artists such as Yamatogawa so I highly recommend you bookmark his page and keep up on his releases. His site located
here so be sure to check in periodically.
5 New Releases
[spacer=4][color=darkred]Canvas[/color] [color=green](English)[/color]
[spacer=4][color=darkred]Cyber Rabbit[/color] [color=green](English)[/color]
[spacer=4][color=darkred]I404[/color] [color=green](English)[/color]
[spacer=4][color=darkred]Library Love[/color] [color=green](English)[/color]
[spacer=4][color=darkred]Umbrella[/color] [color=green](English)[/color]
And don't forget to take a look at some of his other translations we've put up on the site before.
3 Previous Rally T Releases...
[spacer=4][color=darkred]Tayu Tayu Chapter 1[/color] [color=green](English)[/color]
[spacer=4][color=darkred]Tayu Tayu Chapter 2[/color] [color=green](English)[/color]
[spacer=4][color=darkred]Tayu Tayu Chapter 3[/color] [color=green](English)[/color]