I should start throwing these into the bug tracker or something, there's a lot of good ideas here.
Solva-tan wrote...
How are we supposed to search for the tags?
Uhhh, good point.
Solva-tan wrote...
Maybe you could add rating system for a nice touch =]
Hur hur, that's a good point too.
bletok wrote...
so i managed to made tags to my pic..
now the problem is the tag listing.. it appeared that the list still goes randomly as you know..
well good luck with your new project :D
i'm looking forward to this..
The listing is actually sorted by newest first. Not much else to sort on currently (figure there'll eventually be alphabetical (though names aren't really prominent right now), by rating, and by most-recently uploaded).
luinthoron wrote...
And while we're talking about the header, for a while now the separate "Figures, Models, and Toys" and "Mecha and Giant Robots" links have been back there again. It was fixed after the sections were merged, but after some updates the header reverted to the old version again...
Fixed. For future requests, I would prefer if you make separate topics for them in the 'Suggestions and Feedback' forum which I usually troll when I'm actively working on Fakku :3
Badguy wrote...
1) List of uploading and tagging rules
The code and design of the thing is still pretty far up in the air. I figure at some point we'll lay down some community-defined rules. I don't want to personally come up with an arbitrary list of things (other than the site-wide "no loli, no cp") that people can and can't do. I'd rather sit back and let you guys decide, since you're the ones using it.
Badguy wrote...
2) Auto Alphabetical tagging
Not sure what you mean by this. Can you elaborate?
Badguy wrote...
3) Include search feature
Hur hur yeah, I'd better get on that. I'm not quite sure how it should work -- I'm thinking like a search bar on the tag list thing on the right which does the search in-page (eg, it just throws results into the "Other Tags" section) for tags, so you can then +/- those tags. Thoughts?
Badguy wrote...
4) Allow posters to edit their own comment
Merp. That's an obvious feature I missed.
Badguy wrote...
5) more space between comments (or different layout of the text/name)
Really, the markup for the entire thing needs to be given some love. It looks terrible as-is. I suck at HTML/CSS so I'm gonna leave that big poo on Jacob's plate; I sent him an IM a couple hours ago and didn't really tell him that I put this up live (I'm not sure he even knows I wrote it). Haha rogue development!
Badguy wrote...
6) 0-10 rating system for pics
I'm actually leaning more towards 1-5. I think 0-10 might be too granular, and everything else seems to use 1-5 these days.
Badguy wrote...
7) more aligned page layout
See comment for #5. I'm a doctor, not a doorstop.