The 9th biannual waifu game should happen around xmas/new years. There will be another reclaim lotto where I select 20 users to get a reclaim(double last game). I'm going to advertise the shit out of this one and I'm also going to lower the post limit on joining to 50. I also want to add the possibility of an achievement for participating in the game but I need to run it by Jake first(this will only show when we release achievements).
Interested? Take a look
here to see what the previous game was like.
Here's the link to the current list(which will be reset).
Other news: This may be my last waifu game, I'm considering stepping away from it and will be looking for prospective candidates to run it in my stead. I'm probably going to pick based on what I know about users and how I believe they will benefit the game(no personal reasons if you can believe that). While it wont be the deciding factor those of you who want to try and pm me to show interest and perhaps influence your chance of being looked at feel free. If you do want to write something up be sure to add your previous experience with the waifu game, why you would make a good host, what you hope to accomplish and if you have any ideas(you dont have to reveal them if you care to keep them secret) in the pm.