ChrisBRosado123 wrote...
I'd say stick to your guns, manga and doujinshi. This is what you do best and what we come here to see.
Agree with that
Of course, concerning the videos, that would depend – are we talking subbing or dubbing? Newly released videos (simulpublishing) or older content? Censored or uncensored? As for the sub x dub issue, unless we are talking new releases, there are plenty fan-made subs floating around (lower quality than that which Fakku would make, I'm sure, but still enough to discourage people from purchasing the newer Fakku version), while dubbing is pretty expensive and time-consuming thing to do; and so would be decensoring those videos.
But in the end, while high-quality manga and doujins are really hard to find, the internet is flooded with h-videos enough as it is.
And games, at least decent ones, are a very long-term endeavour (unless we are talking the mass-produced trash, which is easy enough to make, but generally very low-quality, plus the inter-webz are rife with these as well). Of course, this too would entirely depend on what role Fakku would be meaning to take, whether simply providing purchase links and language localization & translation to existing game developers (which could work to a certain degree), or if you would actually want to make original h-game content yourselves (which quite honestly might be too big a leap). Also, same issue as with the videos – censored or uncensored (getting a game decensored might actually be even harder than a video); dubbing or subbing?
But seeing as Fakku is presently the only good and active manga publisher on the English market (shame on you, Project-H!), it would probably be – at least in my opinion – for the best to keep what you already have and focus on manga and doujins.
EDIT: also the Art books mentioned by luckydog sound like a very nice idea.
EDIT 2: also, assuming you don't go digital-only, but instead decide to sell DVDs, Blu-Rays etc. for the videos or games as well, there might be a problem with region codes. While mangas and doujins can pretty much be sold worldwide (with the exception of a few countries excluded due to the licensing agreement, but even there it can be sold via a third party), hard copies of videos and/or games could be region-locked; not sure myself how big an issue this might be or even if it can't be bypassed entirely (I mean, of course it can be bypassed from a technical standpoint, but the original publisher might have an issue with allowing it, since the disc might find its way back onto his home turf), just saying it might be an issue especially for non-US markets, which could in turn hurt Fakku's sale figures.