Tirigon wrote...
They don't have to be.
Licensing: It's your own game. You get to choose what happens. Hell you don't even need to license it at all, just hire a translator to make an English version of your own store and allow international shipping.
Language barrier: As I said, we are talking about English. Even in Japan that is common enough that it shouldn't be a huge issue (also non-porn games often do it - hell the Dark Souls franchise for example is English by default even if it is from a Japanese developer...)
Cultural differences: These should not be addressed or changed at all. After all, the westerners wanting to buy games like this do so BECAUSE it gives us something we don't get in our own country. The cultural differences aren't an obstacle -
they are the appeal.
Licensing: Isn't as simple as it being "your" own game. No way to know for sure how difficult it is without being involved, but voice actors, musicians, artists (music and otherwise), may own a piece of the pie and need to have their contracts renegotiated (although I guess that's much easier doing it yourself than bringing in a third-party). This isn't even including middleware solutions such as the game engine, or other software libraries that may need to be re-licensed. As it stands, Maitetsu uses the
E-Mote system, and that doesn't
look cheap. I'm guessing that's the largest reason why none of the usual English eroge companies have been able to get the Bishoujo Mangekyou series or Rondo Duo (at least I hope they've been looking at those games... save us Jacob).
No idea about the work needed to make the international store work, but I imagine you need to find a payment processor willing to handle those types of purchases (r18 with controversial content and international purchases), expect a large enough return on your investment on another language, and build your game with the expectation of supporting other languages.
Language barrier: I'd say Dark Souls is the exception, not the rule to follow considering how the souls series didn't even get a Japanese dub until Bloodborne. Obviously devs still need to collaborate with translators as English fluency in Japan is a
big problem. I don't think we want CGrascal translations to become the norm (<3). I think Key's been trying that out, self-publishing their games on steam now that they know there's enough interest and have connections built up with translators.
Cultural barriers: I actually agree with you here. Unfortunately though, cultural barriers doesn't just refer to language, see
RapeLay and
Battle Raper. Negative international attention was one of the reasons Illusion (thank god Fakku fixed that bridge) and other eroge companies decided to block off non-Japanese IP addresses because of the problems it caused domestically. As it stands, Sekai Project and Fakku took a huge risk bringing Maitetsu over, and Sekai Project's the one with the established relationship with Steam to lose.