Ozraptor wrote...
margheritachan wrote...
Can we get all of them?
I'd also assume that most, if not all, of the "Play" titles are off the table for western release.
I think that is a safe assumption. While I am a free speech absolutist who thinks every topic and genre should be able to be published, I also recognize practical considerations. Illusion's RapeLay became the poster child for bad publicity when it went viral in the public eye as the 'rape simulator' got coverage across many game sites and even onto such mainstream avenues as CNN. This coverage outraged all the normies and gave plenty of ammunition to those moral authoritarians who want nothing more than to govern what is and is not acceptable in gaming and other forms of media.
A major reason the moral panic died down over Rapelay was the simple argument that the game was legal under Japanese law, and it had not been licensed for release by anyone outside Japan. Now, if successor games like PlayHome or PlayClub were offered for release by a company outside Japan, then it would be brought to the attention of games media and general media for one of the greatest outcries you can imagine. You'd see many countries outlawing the games, and some countries that can't do that would likely try and pass new laws to address it. And any company that tried to publish the games would get savaged and blacklisted.
Payment processors would decline to do business with them; we've already seen them do so to others over less inflammatory content. Website hosting services would refuse to allow the site to stay live--again, something we've seen happen with content some deem too damaging or morally wrong. And the company that tried to publish the games would never be able to advertise on pretty much any site again as they'd be targeted and blacklisted. This is of course a worst case scenario of what could happen, but if just one of two of these occurred, it would be crippling for the business model. So for these reasons, I don't think Fakku would try and license the Play games, and I doubt Illusion would allow anyone to license it even if they were interested. Much as I dislike saying this, from a practical perspective, it's a better plan to stay below the radar and avoid something this risky.
12/2: 1:00AM EST: Edited for grammar correction.