Psssking wrote...
Step sister is better 2 do with ur real one
I still don't see the difference.
If you see a person as "family"...more specifically if you see a girl as your "sister" it should bear no difference the fact that you have 7 generical markers in common or not.
(yeah, I watch too much CSI :lol: )
The moral issue arises from the IDEA.
Would you fuck your sister?
"Sister" being the person you feel fraternal feelings for, the person you were grew up together and were rised to call "Sister".
If you HAD a step-sister I don't suppose you would call her
step-sister; you would call her just
Do you CONSIDER that girl your sister?
Do you THINK of her as your sister?
Do you FEEL for her as a sister?
If yes, then genetics mean nothing.
If no, then she is just a stranger person that you happen to know; she doesn't MEAN family to you, so fucking her is no different than having sex with a school mate or any other acquaintance of yours...thus being OT in regards of the question posed by this topik.