[color=#993300]^ Full of useless stuff, but still very important and useful if applied correctly (I love me some calculus)
< I'm trying, damn it, but it doesn't seem to work
V Favorite letter/word/character of any language
^ Lack of drive to finish goals.
< I got a sunburn all over my body this week after being in the beach. Forgot to bring sunblock.
V Best way to cook rice?
^ I know yiliquan Kung fu
< I have 3 fans in my room blowing on my face
v have you ever gotten so mad that you broke something valuable and if so, what?
[color=#006FFF]^ The worst that's happened was I through a penny against my wall, it ricocheted off the corner walls, and shot right at my computer leaving a pretty big crack. Now I don't throw things anymore.
< Has had several crushes on several of his friends over the years (and still does!)
v What do you consider to be your weirdest, or most unusual, fetish?