Longevitay wrote...
Odamust wrote...
Longevitay wrote...
Odamust wrote...
^ Why not just mass genocide? It's pretty hard to gather a specific race or a specific religious group into one huge place just so that you could kill them in my opinion. You'd end up killing more than you intend to, sometimes ended up killing the ones you had never planned to in the first place, and those killings may conflict with your idea on who you are targeting.
I notice you didn't actually answer you just pussy footed around the question. Also it's not specifically you killing you just choose who all the people of the world mass murder.
Pussy footed eh? I'd like to think that I answered it in a generalised way.
If by generalised you mean not at all. You were to pick a race or religious group not debate the scemantics of the possibilities.
Well the answer would still remain the same for me. A kill is a kill regardless of whatever background. I ain't gonna pick either because those choices are absurd.