devsonfire wrote...
You're officially a midfag now.
Thought you joined short after me.
Nah. I'm nowhere close to being a midfag yet. I need a few more years.
sakabato24 wrote...
Suck a fat one...
Gratz. :)
Sorry I don't smoke but thanks, Saka.
winter55 wrote...
Lol Thanks.
Tyranosaurus_Secks wrote...
Gratz, man.
say what! wrote...
Thank you.
TheOverFlow wrote...
Congrats man.
TriniDarkSlayer wrote...
Congrats, man, you're still on my 'cool dudes of FAKKU!' list.
Thanks. Good to know I'm on your list. Still working for that Sumuta Tag.
Peltor wrote...
Grats, man.
Stay tessa.
Thanks, Pelt.
I will since it's kinda my identity now lol.
kengenerals wrote...
Grats, d0d
Thanks man. When we gonna play DOTA 2 together?