Foreground Eclipse wrote...
Shotty Too Hotty wrote...
Foreground Eclipse wrote...
mfw people list hastune miku as an actual artist:
I just listen to whatever sounds good to me. I don't who they are or where they are from. If you have a good tempo and rhythm. You got on my Ipod.
TeddyLoid: Fly Away
Street Fighter EX 2 Plus - Three Tree
Street Fighter Alpha 2 - Sagat vs Ryu Theme.
I'm not making fun of you guys because you listen to vocaloid, most of my songs are vocaloid as well. I am making fun of you guys for thinking she is the actual artist of the song.
Calm Eyes Fixed On Me, Screaming ~Foreground Eclipse
Ready to Fight for Yourself ~PandolistP
No Pain, No Game ~Nano
Ooooooooooooooh. I don't know what else to put lol.
Darkstalkers 3 - War Agony
Street Fighter 3 2nd Impact - Sean's Theme
Marvel Super Heroes - Psylocke's Theme