Iamnotchrishansen wrote...
If it wasn't for you I would've never gone to my first anime con, had the initiative or an idea of how to build a PC (which helps at my current job), and I would've never met awesome folks here at FAKKU which I feel I've been irritable towards as of lately.
Sneaky, no, Greg thank you for a lot and I'm sorry for being negative towards you and others as of lately. Mad Love broham and congrats.
Its no problem, I think I first talked to you about your Mitsudomoe avatar and that snowballed.
devsonfire wrote...
Hohoho, you're the first user I talk to on skype, and invited me on that chat. I'm always grateful for that, so I thank you!
animefreak_usa wrote...
Medzy wrote...
Thanks to you, I know how to open a beer bottle with a
4 more years
of sneaking plz

I can do this with another beer and a shotgun shell.
Thats a terrible looking bootleg, and we all cant be as cool as you Freak.