This is what I received, and ignore the grammar issues:
So Like you said, if I ever wanted to return, I should stay away, and keep out of trouble. It been going on 4 years now since I first joined.
I haven't made an account in almost a full year, and I have been lurking a lot in all this time,
I originally Sent in a email to where it say when wanting to appeal an bann, and waited two months, and no response. I am sorry I did make an account, but I made this to only send a message to jacob, explaining, how much of a stuck up attention whore I used to be with temperament issues, and a hard time taking shit from other people, with the mental thinking the world was out to get me, and that after some years to grow the fuck up, and lurk around for a very long time, I was hoping that with an apology on how I acted before, knowing there are rules for a reason, but at the time did not care, because like i said I was a dumb ass attention whore. and that I pray he would let me return. if I behave myself.
but I sent that message to him over two weeks ago, and another one a week ago.
I told jacob in the message I would not post a single time in the forums, or message any of the members, unless he says it okay. But I fear he may not respond to my messages, because one, he may not ever give a shit and has other things to do, or two so many people message him, he thinks most of it is spam, or three I am just a waist of time so he wont even bother.
So Now I am here. Messaging you, on the soul fact that maybe you might hear me out before you bann me again. Knowing you have just the same reason as jacob to not even bother me, and just lock me up again. with out even given me a response. I am just hoping you will give me a chance, and time of your day, knowing you don't have a reason too waist your bother yourself with me.
if you are feeling up to it, will you message Jacob about me possibly returning, only if you yourself, feels it alright for me to return.
but If you choose not too, and lock up my account with out even responding, I will understand. I will not make another account and lurk some more.
I am sorry for any and all issues, I caused, I am sorry I disrespected Fakku, Fakku's rules, and admin. Please forgive me.
~Jennifer Ann D.
She was slightly off on the time when the last alt was made, it was roughly 8 months ago, but it was only for about 30 minutes before it was banned. She stated she's willing to apologize to the community for her past actions. I don't think there's much of a recidivism issue so most of the old issues probably wont come up again. I'm leaning towards letting her come back so any of you who strongly disagree should mention why.
cruz737 wrote...
I know she went overboard with the alts, but what else did she do?
Spam, ban evasion, harassment and I think there was some posting of restricted material after her initial ban.