As stated in the title, this isn't really a post as much as it is a rant, so I expect it to be derailed by the second post.
So, I was on MeetMe today, which is kinda like a dating site, but, like with any social media network, is overrun by perverts, fake profiles, and assholes of all sorts. I ran into such an asshole on a status that I came across.
The status was from someone named 'Lovely Lady,' and she posted 'Must live in Georgia, HIV+ only.' Now, like some might think, I thought it was a revenge plot in the making, and commented as such, but after I commented, she revealed that she had contracted HIV, and was looking for someone else with it because she didn't want to run the risk of someone else contracting it. Even when I brought up the point about there being more than one strain of it, she acknowledged that, but said she already knew. She even has it as the first line in her About Me section, so I immediately felt a wave of respect for her.
Then an asshole comes along and comments 'How did you get it? Were you raped?' He then proceeds to dig his self a deeper grave when he said 'I was only asking because I wanted to know if I should feel sorry for her. If she was, I would feel sorry. If it was because of her choices, I won't.'
At this point, I was so fucking pissed. What's worse is, this asshole sent her a message that-
You know what? Fuck being respectful about other peoples privacy over the internet.
She screecapped his 'apology' that he sent over the MeetMe chat system:

After this little exchange, he tried to attack me, because we share the same friends on facebook and he said that he didn't respect me. I then told him to go fuck himself, because if I was being respected by people like him, I was doing something wrong with my life. He deleted his comments aimed at her, but still kept the ones aimed at me.
I've lost the words I was going to say about this asshole, but I'll leave you guys to say what you think of him.