Illumia Sarrow wrote...
Iamnotchrishansen wrote...
Illumia Sarrow wrote...
Iamnotchrishansen wrote...
Illumia Sarrow wrote...
Waar wrote...
Illumia Sarrow wrote...
are you kidding me bhahahah my legs are a hell of a lot better then yours, or anyone that you have fucked.
You saying that to everyone or is it specific to k?
mostly to him, but i guess it would also appy to about 70 percent of the members on here as well.
My legs are pure amazing.
Lol see.
thats becauze there is nothing you said that can be proved, and you feel like a dumb shit
Well, my track record with women I've banged isn't all that great, your figure is OK I've definitely seen better. You look slightly better than some of the women i've scored with but I'd feel I've reached a new low.
im slightly better then women you banged, right, proof or it didnt happen, women you have seen i can agree with i have seen some gorgeous women too in public and online.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and opinions are like assholes. I feel no need to prove anything to you.
You're right I can't prove that. Mind you, you made the bold claim of looking better than a lot of women, not just women I may or may not have screwed but what about others? You're making it out to be a like you're a special snowflake.
So far, some of the guys here have said 'meh' by the looks of it. 70 percent seems inaccurate, don't you think? I've seen better looking female members on this site in all honesty past and present. In the end these are all opinions really and this is a hunch, but if you're provoking me for the sake of attention, it worked for a bit but no more. Have a nice day, lulu. Ntwn, give this hack hell.